101 research outputs found

    Artificial Companions with Personality and Social Role

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    Subtitle: "Expectations from Users on the Design of Groups of Companions"International audienceRobots and virtual characters are becoming increasingly used in our everyday life. Yet, they are still far from being able to maintain long-term social relationships with users. It also remains unclear what future users will expect from these so-called "artificial companions" in terms of social roles and personality. These questions are of importance because users will be surrounded with multiple artificial companions. These issues of social roles and personality among a group of companions are sledom tackled in user studies. In this paper, we describe a study in which 94 participants reported that social roles and personalities they would expect from groups of companions. We explain how the resulsts give insights for the design of future groups of companions endowed with social intelligence

    Life-Sized Audiovisual Spatial Social Scenes with Multiple Characters: MARC & SMART-IÂČ

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    International audienceWith the increasing use of virtual characters in virtual and mixed reality settings, the coordination of realism in audiovisual rendering and expressive virtual characters becomes a key issue. In this paper we introduce a new system combining two systems for tackling the issue of realism and high quality in audiovisual rendering and life-sized expressive characters. The goal of the resulting SMART-MARC platform is to investigate the impact of realism on multiple levels: spatial audiovisual rendering of a scene, appearance and expressive behaviors of virtual characters. Potential interactive applications include mediated communication in virtual worlds, therapy, game, arts and elearning. Future experimental studies will focus on 3D audio/visual coherence, social perception and ecologically valid interaction scenes

    Interactions Humain-Machine adaptées à la personnalité des utilisateurs: Application de motivation à l'activité physique pour des patients lombalgiques

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    Poster réalisé dans le cadre de la journée de travail du GT ACAI (Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions) de l'AFIA (Association française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle)National audienc

    La géométrie sur le bout des doigts

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    International audienceDans cette dĂ©monstration, nous utilisons une matrice tactilecomposĂ©e de 60*60 picots afin de rendre perceptible pourdes utilisateurs non voyants, des formes gĂ©omĂ©triques.Cette matrice offre moins de richesse en terme de rendu detextures que certains autres dispositifs tel que le Tactographmais prĂ©sente un important avantage qui est celui depermettre une exploration multi-doigts et mĂȘme bimanuelle.Le problĂšme que nous nous posons ici est dedĂ©terminer la meilleure façon de rendre les formesgĂ©omĂ©triques afin d'atteindre des performances dereconnaissance optimales. Dans cette dĂ©monstration, lestĂąches demandĂ©es aux sujets consistent Ă  identifier, sansfautes et dans le laps de temps le plus court possible, uneforme gĂ©omĂ©trique parmi six (rectangle, cercle, trianglesimple, triangle rectangle, losange et croix). Six façonsdiffĂ©rentes d’afficher les formes sont proposĂ©es: creuse,pleine, creuse vibrante, pleine vibrante, pleine avec bordurevibrante, pleine avec bordure fixe et intĂ©rieur vibrant

    Tailored, Multimodal and Opportune Interactions on a Wearable Sport Coach: The WE-nner Framework

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    Part 1: Beyond Computers: Wearables, Humans, And Things – WHAT!International audienceA growing body of evidence from Psychology and Sport Sciences shows that physical activity can be a cost-effective and safe intervention for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of mental and physical health problems. Research in domains such as the Internet of Things (IoT), wearables and persuasive technologies suggest that a coach intended to promote physical activities needs to provide personalized interaction. In this paper we introduce the WE-nner (pronounce “winner”) framework for designing an automated coach promoting physical activity which supports interactions between the user and a smart wearable that are: (1) personalized to the user, (2) dynamic (e.g. occurring during a physical activity), and (3) multimodal (e.g. combine graphics, text, audio and touch). We explain how we implemented this framework on a commercial smartwatch and provide illustrative examples on how it provides dynamic personalized and multimodal interactions considering features from user’s profile. Future directions are discussed in terms of how this framework can be used and adapted to consider theories and models from Psychology and Sport Sciences

    Exploring relations between cognitive style and multimodal expression of emotion in a TV series corpus

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    International audienceabstrac

    Construction de sens dans les activités de lecture en contexte scolaire (le rÎle de l'expérience émotionnelle et des interactions entre pairs)

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    Cette recherche porte sur les relations entre expérience émotionnelle, information émotionnelle et traitement de l'information. En effet, l'expérience émotionnelle propre du sujet oriente son traitement de l'information (Schwartz & Clore 1983). Or les émotions émergent suite à un processus d'évaluation de la situation et de son rapport actuel à celle-ci. Toutefois suite à ses expériences émotionnelles, l'individu développe des connaissances sur les émotions relatives à leurs différentes caractéristiques (Harris 1983). Ce savoir détermine par la suite l'expérience émotionnelle du lecteur (Frijda 1989). L'objectif de cette recherche est d'étudier dans quelle mesure le contenu émotionnel d'un récit influence la construction de son sens et quels sont les facteurs susceptibles de médiatiser cette influence. 256 enfants ont lu trois récits de la littérature jeunesse dont la valence émotionnelle variait (positif versus négatif versus ambigu). A l'issue de chaque lecture, ils devaient répondre à des questions sur le texte et rédiger un écrit racontant l'histoire lue. Les résultats montrent que les enfants sont en difficulté face au récit positif. Ils le comprennent moins bien. L'induction émotionnelle est modérée. Enfin, les facteurs les plus favorables à l'activité d'élaboration du sens d'un récit relÚvent des caractéristiques situationnelles. Lorsque les enfants s'appuient sur les caractéristiques de la situation, en collaborant ou en préparant leur production, leur compréhension est meilleure.This research deals with the links between emotional experience, emotional information and information processing. The emotional experience which is particular to each individual defines his own information processing (Schwartz & Clore 1983). Yet emotions emerge through a process of situation valuation and his current connection to it. Following these emotional experiences, the individual starts to develop knowledge about emotions related to their different characteristics (Harris 1983). This knowledge subsequently determines the reader's emotional experience (Fridja 1989). The main objective of this research is to study to what extent the emotional content of a story influences the construction of its meaning and what the factors likely to mediatise this influence are. 256 children have read three stories from children's literature where emotional degree changed (positive vs. negative vs. ambiguous). At the end of each reading, they had to answer questions about the story and write a text telling the story they had read. The results show that the children have difficulties understanding the positive story. They do understand it less accurately Emotional induction is moderate. Finally, the most favourable factors for creating meaning from a story are the characteristics of the situation. When children rely on the characteristics of the situation when working with each other ot preparing their written production, their understanding is much better.NANTERRE-BU PARIS10 (920502102) / SudocSudocFranceF
